Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby Clara, such a cutie!!

I seriously get a googly smile with every picture I look at of this little cutie-pa-tutie!!  She is so adorable! This is a little sneak peak for the new parents!!  Enjoy!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Colorful Converse Shoes, Socks and Pictures for Daddy!

From Converse Shoes, to Crazy Socks, to playing in the water and funny faces, this mom and daughters have so much fun and love to express and share.  Can't wait for their daddy (and hubby) to see these pictures!

The Cutest Grumpy face EVER!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Brophy Chapel Wedding


This is one of my most recent favorite weddings!!  The bride and groom were gorgeous perfect on this day, not only on the outside but on the in.  They truly were perfect!!